The Dorrigo Plateau

The Song of the Superb Lyrebird

In the wet sclerophylll forest of the Dorrigo plateau, NSW, the Superb Lyrebird can be found. Within his territory, the male will construct several circular mounds of bare dirt on the forest floor, for the purpose of conducting courtship displays. The Superb Lyrebirds song is made up of 80% mimicry, that is copying another birds call or song. The mimicry does not stop at using other birds sounds but will often have sounds incorporated into the song that are mechanical and man made. Generally the sounds used in the song are those the bird has picked up from its immediate surrounds. In these recordings listen out for the sound of sawing and hammering, as the birds territory was next to a work shed. Other birds mimicked in the song include Grey Shrike-thrush, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Lewin's Honeyeater , Satin Bowerbird to name but a few.

©️ David Sutton